
Introducing... Joe

I met Joe and his mum Stefanie at a farmers market in a little village in Buckinghamshire where my parents live. At the time, the mother and son bran...

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The Job Killer

It’s 2019 and the presence of social media in our daily lives feels less like a tool to keep up with old friends and more like a glossy portfo...

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The PSEUDO Network is compiled of brilliant, inspiring, unique individuals across the globe. It's our pleasure to introduce some of them to you, and ...

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Men's Personal Stylist Peter Nguyen

As generations new and old take a closer look at the embedded culture of toxic masculinity, many men are feeling less pressure to adhere to the forme...

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Introducing...Kychele of Wasteupso

At PSEUDO, we aim to amplify the voices of individuals and brands who look to better the world around them through sustainable practices, s...

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Mr. Gay Japan

The Mr Gay Japan Pageant took place in Tokyo this year, nominating Tiger Shigetake to represent Japan in the 11th Mr Gay World competition. Only in...

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Chaotic Seoul

Foreword by Ruby: Having studied youth culture for nearly twenty years, there is something that fascinates me about Seoul right now. Quite simply,...

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With great pride we would like to introduce our Ethiopian rep Taika, who we first met and worked with in Ethiopia on a project that took us across Af...

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Hey! Brands! Leave our Pride alone!

Pride Month is well and truly over; the rainbow icons have disappeared from Twitter, the multi-coloured bunting which adorned the shop fronts ha...

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eSports Take Flight in America's Heartland

Video games, once touted as the perfect antidote to a long day spent in the classroom, have now become a blossoming, viable profession for the highly...

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Where the hell have we been?

It’s been a while, huh? In 2013 I wrote what turned out to be the last blog post for, well, ages. I didn’t know that at the time though, and...

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